Ryepiece Barn House Concerts organise non-profit concerts showcasing amazing musicians that you'll never see in such an intimate space. They talk about their songs, touring, life. There are two sets and artists always want to come back as the atmosphere is electric.   We#ve had a really varied range of musical styles - folk, jazz, classical - and everything in between.  Most of our audiance have not heard the acts before they come but trust us to book interesting and talented artists!  It used to be hard work to sell tickets but for the last couple of years we've sold out every concert.

We have 6 concerts a year - 3 in the spring and 3 in the autumn. Tickets are £10 each and includes a delicious veggie supper. People bring their own drink and glasses.  All concerts are advertised on posters around the village and in the village magazine.  If you would like to be added to the waiting list drop us an email at ryepiecebarn@gmail.com

We have an active Facebook Page and a website

As soon as we can we'll be back...with all the concerts we had to postpone from 2020!